After all of Klair's birthday preparations, I told my husband I wanted a low-key birthday this year (my birthday comes only 11 days after Klair's). I knew he was going to be out of town on my actual birthday (the 10th) so I imagined that we would go on a nice date the weekend before and have some family over for cake and whatnot.
But, being the romantic that he is, Sam couldn't resist throwing me a surprise party. And, let's be honest, everyone loves surprise parties. Even the girl with the ba-humbug attitude towards birthdays got all giddy at the prospect of a surprise party. I say "prospect" because I discovered his plans and sort of ruined the surprise... but it was still sweet nonetheless. (I kept insisting on making plans on Friday night, and he kept turning me down... until I figured out what was going on). We still went through with the party, sans the whole hiding and jumping out thing. We had some of our close friends over, and Sam took care of everything. It was so sweet to see him cleaning the house and playing the host. I'm spoiled.
In addition to the great party that he threw, he made me this card. It made me choke up when he gave it to me.
When people asked what to get me Sam told them that I liked movie tickets and fashionable scarves. How cute is that? Needless to say I got lots of movie tickets and fashionable scarves... two things that I really do love. I also ended up with two new cake stands from my sister and my best friend (probably because I'm always borrowing theirs haha). My favorite gift came form Sam of course. He got on my Pinterest and bought me a necklace that I've been wanting (so thoughtful). I would have a photo to of it, but apparently it takes awhile to ship things from Canada and I'm still waiting.
After my party, we slept in the next morning with our baby girl. It was lovely. Then, we spent the day doing some Christmas shopping and enjoying time with our Klair bear. We went to a local cafe that specializes in grilled cheese sandwiches (they even have a gluten free option) for lunch and Klair was all smiles. Apparently the love of grilled cheese is genetic.
Happy girls. Haha, I love her face in this!
That night Sam took me out for what I had originally envisioned for my birthday--dinner and a movie. We dropped Klair off at his parents and found ourselves at my favorite sushi restaurant. They gave us free dessert for my birthday and surprisingly, they even had a gluten free cheesecake. It was kind of perfect.
Afterwards we went to see The Hunger Games because we are both big fans and somehow hadn't seen it yet. We tried taking a picture in the theater and this was the best we got. haha! In my defense the flash on Sam's phone is really bright.
This one turned out a little better. Well, at least my eyes are open.
These are our very favorite treat. They are Guittard chocolate chips and yes, we did sneak them in. My birthday wouldn't have been complete without them.
That night it was really, ridiculously snowy. As in, I'm grateful our car has all-wheel drive. And even then, it was still a little scary. But the snow did make for a pretty evening, especially with these Christmas lights. It was nothing short of magical.
Overall it was the perfect birthday weekend. I enjoyed it very much.
Sam left Sunday for a business trip and didn't come home until Thursday. Thus, he was gone on the actual day of my birth. Rather than sit at home feeling sorry for myself, I decided to seize the day. With Klair as my little birthday buddy, we spent the day shopping and even found time to take a leisurely afternoon nap together. It was heavenly. That night my in-laws kindly offered to babysit again so that I could go to dinner with my girlfriends. I had such a good time. It was so nice to get away and spend time with some of my favorite ladies. I needed a girl's night out.
I decided to play the role of birthday girl and dress up a little more than usual. With a one year old I don't find many occasions outside of church to wear a dress, but it seemed as good a time as any to break the norm. I also decided to coordinate Klair's outfit to mine. Cheesy? Maybe. But it was my birthday after all.
It was really hard to get a good photo of Klair and I with a self timer, but I finally got one. I love her little OshKosh dress ;)
With Sam home from his business trip we had a little get together with my family this past weekend. We had them over for dinner and brownies (I prefer brownies over cake any day). And, with that, I ended my birth-week celebrations. Thanks to everyone who made this birthday special, especially my incredible husband! I'm one lucky girl to have so many amazing people in my life.