First Day of the Third Trimester!
Today Sam and I are celebrating the fact that we have made it to the third trimester of pregnancy. It has been quite the adventure thus far, and I am confident that things will only get... more interesting :) We are both so thrilled to think that we only have about 90 days (give or take) until our sweet little bundle of joy, Klair Marie, enters this world and we can hold her in our arms.
I must say I have really enjoyed the second trimester, it was such a relief from the "morning" (more like all-day) sickness of the first. Except for the occassional ache and pain, the middle months have been relatively easy. The next three months supposedly get harder, or so I've heard. I'm still hopeful I can be the exception to the rule and have a nice easy breezy time through to the end... but I won't hold my breath. I guess in all of this I can look to my ancestors and to the sisterhood of womankind throughout the world and take strength in the fact that most babies throughout history have been born (and continue to be born in many parts of the world) in much worse circumstances, yet women pull it off. We are pretty amazing. And if they could (can) do it, then surely I can bide my time in climate-controlled buildings, and forge my way through labor in a brand new hospital with wonderful doctors and modern medicine.
I will admit that I feel guilty that it has taken me this long to really start blogging. I hope Klair will forgive me for my negligence in chronicling this critical time in her mortal beginnings. I do have some pictures and a few journal entries that I created, so I will likely do a sort of timeline of events and post them on here in the next few days. I am excited to get started with this blog, however. And in light of the fact that my sweet and overworked husband is out of town for the next few days, I will really have no excuse not to get this thing all up to date.