Saturday, February 2, 2013

First Laugh!

Klair laughed for the first time today! It was short, sweet, and Sam was right there to verify it for me (you know, to convince me I wasn't imagining it). She was in her swing for a bit this morning, and when I walked over to get her out I said something or other in that high pitched voice that just naturally happens when I'm around her (all inhibitions go out the window when I see that cute face). She immediately looked up, locked eyes with me, and with a grin from ear to ear she let out the cutest little laugh my ears have ever had the privilege of hearing. My heart smiled.

Now of course it was a spontaneous one time deal and all attempts at getting her to replicate it failed miserably (especially when the camera came out). So I have to wait for her to do it again and probably pretty regularly before I can post a video of this auditory magic, but in the mean time let this picture of a big cheesy post-laugh grin suffice.

Also on a side note my husband randomly surprised me with breakfast in bed, he's spending a good part of his afternoon helping my mom around her house, and later he's taking me on a date to the temple and dinner. Oh and he's the world's sweetest dad as evidenced by this photo.

Could I have a better husband? I submit that I could not! :)

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